LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect Kentuckians, local artists have partnered to share a positive message in downtown Lexington.
Work on a mural that reads "Together We Are Stronger" began Thursday evening on Eastern Avenue and will be completed Saturday. The project is coordinated by PRHBTN, an annual street art festival and art gallery in Lexington. The design was created by Square Pegs Studio and Design.
"We just wanted to play to our strength," Co-founder of PRHBTN John Winters said. "And our strength is making something out of what could have possibly been nothing and doing it through art."
The mural will be outside of A Cup of Commonwealth. The location means everyone who drives or walks down Main Street will see it.

"It's something that changes your day and brightens your day and makes you think and take a positive message away from it," Winters said.
Donations from Kentucky for Kentucky and Cornett made the project possible, Winters said. T-shirts with the same message will be sold by Kentucky for Kentucky with proceeds going to the Blue Grass Community Foundation.