VERSAILLES, Ky. (LEX 18) — On Fridays and Sundays, people pack into the chairs at 99 for 1 Church in Versailles to worship.
But beginning Dec. 2 through the end of March, Pastor Scott Sargent said many of those chairs will be replaced by cots, to allow for up to 15 people to stay overnight.
"It's kind of in our name as a church, 99 for 1," Sargent said. "We go after the one and so often I think the one that is on the streets, that's homeless, that's insecure, whether it be food or clothing or any type of insecurity in that way. I think it's very important to reach out and be the hands of Jesus and help in any way we can."
The church will open at 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and again on Saturday to provide a hot meal and warm place to sleep. People can also do laundry and get free clothes from the church store, Sargent said.
"It's not just a place they can come sleep," he said. "It's helping them rehabilitate to life and get back into programs."
Sargent said 99 for 1 is the only place in Woodford County that allows people with no place to go to stay overnight.
They rely on volunteers to keep the program going.
Sign-up for volunteers is available at