LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — For nearly two decades, God's Pantry Food Bank has provided thousands of Thanksgiving feasts for area families, and even in a pandemic, they are determined to keep the tradition alive.
"That meal around the table is so important to all of us this time of year," said Karen Griffin, development director at God's Pantry.
Since March, the organization has seen the need for food in the communities they serve skyrocket. Lines for weekly food distribution have been growing, and the demand does not appear to be dying down any time soon.
"You know we serve 50 counties, and in those counties the numbers of those in need, as you might imagine, have really gone up pretty significantly," Griffin said.
That continues to be reflected in the annual Thanksgiving event, with a record number of nearly 6,000 boxes to fill for families in need.
"We need to understand that these folks who are food insecure, who are in need of food, want to do the same things that you do at your table and I do, which is to gather," Griffin said.
To make this happen, God's Pantry needs help. Its annual Basket Brigade, the filling of the boxes of Thanksgiving food, is coming up, and more volunteers are needed than ever before.
"Normally we do it for one day. This year we are doing it for two days, to pack boxes that will then go out into the community," Griffin said of the event.
God's Pantry said the Basket Brigade will be socially distanced and all safety precautions will be taken. Adjustments being made to make room for some sense of normalcy.
"It makes a difference in your life as a participant being involved in packing the box, but just as importantly, or more importantly, it makes the difference in the life of that family that is really counting on this food in their home to have that amazing family meal at the dinner table on Thanksgiving," Griffin said.
The Basket Brigade is scheduled for Nov. 13 and 14 at Southland Christian Church on Richmond Road. It costs $25 to participate, which includes the price of a T-shirt. The boxes will be distributed to families in Fayette, Rowan and Floyd counties.
For more information including how to sign-up visit www.basketbrigadelex.org.