WINCHESTER, Ky. (LEX 18) — Last January, lifelong Winchester resident Bob Tabor was hit by a car while crossing the intersection of Wall Alley and West Lexington Street in downtown Winchester.
Tabor was airlifted to UK hospital and luckily survived. However, his daughter says the 80-year-old man will never fully recover.

The accident has sparked action by local business owners, like Chad Walker, who owns Engine House Deli and Pub. He says he worries about his customers and employees who cross that intersection daily.
"All of our employees, all 10 of our employees have to go across this every single day, multiple times a day and it's just dangerous, unnecessarily so," Walker said. "This is an issue we could resolve in two to three days and it would be fixed forever."
Walker is willing to pay personally to give 12 intersections crosswalks, but he needs the state's permission first. It would cost him about $1000 per intersection but he says it's an investment he's willing to make to help prevent others from getting injured.
Hilary Tabor, Bob's daughter, urges the state to take this matter seriously and allow Walker to put in the crosswalks.
"You can save lives; you can save people's future. I mean my dad is not the person he could have been, this accident hinders him. If somebody is willing to pay for it, we need to let them do it," Hilary Tabor said.