

COVID-19 patient in Montgomery County released from isolation

and last updated

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) — The first of two Montgomery County residents to test positive for COVID-19 has been released from isolation, according to the Montgomery County KY Health Department's Facebook page.

The released patient is believed to be a 56-year-old male.

"The individual was quick to follow all guidelines for isolation from other people by following quarantine guidelines at home. They also cooperated fully with health officials to identify anyone who might be at risk from close contact," the Facebook post said.

The patient is now the second Kentucky resident to test positive for COVID-19 and make a full recovery. On Friday, March 14, a 27-year-old woman from Harrison County, who is believed to be the first Kentucky resident to test positive for COVID-19, was released from UK HealthCare after making a full recovery.