

COVID-19 safety tips for Labor Day holiday activities

and last updated

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — It may not have been the summer we expected, but many made the most of it. Some plan to do the same during the final days of the season, though not as many as in the past.

A Bank of America survey found that only 45 percent of Americans plan on hosting or attending a barbecue on Labor Day. In a typical year, about 56 percent of Americans celebrate that way, according to the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association. The reason seems to be the coronavirus pandemic.

For those who are celebrating with a cookout, experts say to keep the party outdoors. It will help limit the spread of the virus.

“We need people to do social distancing. We need to keep gatherings to small numbers. Under 10 is what people say and to wear masks when possible,” said Dr. Alan Taege with the Cleveland Clinic.

Also, don't share things like serving utensils. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using single-serve options, like packaged snacks, or designating one person to be the cook/server.

You could also go the online route and host a virtual get together. Avoid making it feel like a work video call by asking guests to dress up and coordinate food options so you're sharing the same snacks.

Even if it's just one or two of you, getting out and enjoying the last bit of summer weather is still a great option to have fun and stay safe. Spend the day hiking, biking, or out on the water. However, because many may have the same idea, try to avoid overly crowded spots.

“The more people the greater the chances someone may have it asymptotic, or a pre-symptomatic, infection and they can spread it,” said Dr. Taege.

If you're driving back from a weekend stay, experts say to limit the numbers of rest stops and stick to drive-thru food options.