CYNTHIANA, Ky. (LEX 18) — Jackie Collins is one of the first to help families in need throughout Harrison County.
"We try and help everybody that is in need that we can help," Collins said.
Collins is the director of Hope's Helping Hands Food Pantry in Cynthiana. Thursday afternoon, roles were reversed. The people who give, are now the ones who need.
"The wind was so powerful that it just kept changing directions and feeding the fire," Collins said.
Late in the afternoon, their home caught on fire. Nobody was hurt and their dog is safe. The fire destroyed the home and Jackie's husband's truck. It's what they've been through before, that helps inspire who they are now.

"We started out at 18 losing everything and now we've lost everything again at 65," Collins said, speaking about how a fire destroyed her and her husband's home in the past. "It planted a seed in our hearts to do for others."
Those hearts hurt in a community that can help heal.
"There's nothing we don't need at this point honestly," Collins said. "A lot of stuff at my age is sentimental stuff that no one can replace. But there's always time for new memories."
If you want to help her, you can find her through the Hope's Helping Hands Facebook page. She is also at the food pantry on Tuesdays and Thursdays.