CYNTHIANA, Ky. (LEX 18) — Cynthiana’s community came together to honor the life of Scott County Deputy Caleb Conley, and shared stories about his service as a deputy and as a veteran. He also worked closely with the Clayton Arnold Foundation — which helps families with children battling illnesses.
Jackie Arnold, one of the foundation's directors and Clayton's mom, says Deputy Conley was always very active — attending monthly meetings and helping with big fundraisers.
She says, "Yeah, Caleb is a big role model for the younger kids, and most importantly he was a mentor to some of us adults."
This foundation began after Clayton Chase Arnold passed away following a battle with a brain tumor. Just a few days before he passed, he became an honorary officer through the Cynthiana Police Department, and it's something his mom says, he and Caleb bonded over.
She explains, "Caleb and his mom Jolene, came to the hospital, visited Clayton in the ICU, they brought up a giving bear. And so, we still have that — but Caleb wanted to make sure that Clayton had that bear because it was, it had a special meaning."

Now, this foundation is working to design and sell t-shirts and bracelets in Conley’s honor. They say the proceeds will be passed on to his wife and children. When people see these tributes - this group hopes they understand how important Conley was to this foundation and this community — in the time he was able to give back.
The foundation’s secretary, Chrissy Bell, says, "He would get off work at 7 a.m. and if we were starting something at 8 o'clock, he'd usually drive and get Riley, and he would come without sleep. He wouldn't hesitate and he would be there all day do whatever needed to be done."
A decal is also being made for this trailer. Every time this foundation loses a hero, their picture is displayed here. Now, another hero's legacy will live on.
Arnold says, "I think his main goal was, he wanted to take care of his community and I think that is what we're trying to do through his legacy is to give back."
This foundation is encouraging others to give back to the community in the ways that Caleb Conley did.
Now, this foundation says its goal is to help the Conley family get through this tough time.
Anyone interested in making a donation for the family through the Clayton Arnold Foundation can click here: Home | The Clayton Arnold Foundation.