FLOYD COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) — Governor Andy Beshear visited flood victims in Floyd County Saturday.
Evacuees held back tears as he and first lady Britainy Beshear met with over 100 evacuees at Jenny Wiley State Resort Park.
"Thank you so much for all you are doing," said Prestonsburg Mayor Les Stapleton to Beshear.
After taking time to meet with other volunteers and thank resort staff, he promised victims there is a plan for those who were denied federal aid.
"My house flooded twice, and we were denied. They are going to help me through that," said evacuee Pansy McCoy.
"If anybody is going to help us, I believe Governor Beshear will do it," she said.
"FEMA's call center is going to call through and help anyone that is denied and talk through their claim with them about how they can get through the process," Beshear explained.
Leslie, Magoffin, Whitley, and Martin are the newest counties to be approved for individuals to apply for FEMA.
While the death toll hasn't changed, two people are still missing as recovery efforts continue.
Beshear said President Biden is still scheduled to visit eastern Kentucky on Monday.
Meanwhile, the governor urges people returning to assess their homes not to stay in any unsafe structures as his office works on plans to rebuild.