CARLISLE, Ky. (LEX 18) — More than 80 homes and at least two dozen businesses were affected by once-in-a-generation flooding in Nicholas county.
But before the community can, the neighbors have to finish cleaning up what is left behind.
"It's devastated our town. And it will be years before it will come back," said Gladys Shrout.
Shrout has lived at her home for more than 50 years. The house is safe, but her neighbors lost theirs.
"It bothers me. They were good neighbors, and they'll never be back. That's what is devastating to think those people have lost their homes, and they'll never be back," said Shrout.

Further down Main Street, James Linville is busy cleaning up backyards that turned into a lake when the water rose.
"We got that one cleaned up, and we've been working on the backyards through here, but still a lot to go," said Linville.
James isn't just helping out his neighbors. He's also trying to fix his own home. He estimates he suffered about $30,000 of damage, that's a low estimate.

"We got the insulation and stuff done, and got it jacked up and supported. Was about ready to start work on the inside and then everything got kind of undone," said Linville.
The road to rebuilding is long and costly, but that's the path James, and so many others will be taking.
"That's the plan. I ain't giving up on it yet. Just set me back a little bit," said Linville.
Because this community is worth fighting for.