LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — An eight-year-old from Lexington has a heart of gold.
Her mother says she is the most determined child she has ever seen. The family is trying to raise money for a seizure alert dog because Adelaide McLain has had daily seizures for much of her life.
"She's obsessed with horses," said Regina McLain. "Would live at the stable if I let her. She loves all animals."
She loves dogs, too. She clicked well with Anchovie, a seizure alert dog in training through the non-profit 4 Paws for Ability.

"She started having some startle seizures a while back," McLain said. "Probably about five years ago, which are seizures that happen when she hears an abrupt, unexpected noise or trips over something that was unexpected."
Adelaide has epilepsy and cerebral palsy. McClain says the fear of the unknown sometimes keeps her up at night.
"She usually wakes up a couple of times and needs help with a blanket or dropped her stuffed animal," McLain said. "If she doesn't then I'm worried, did she have a seizure? Is she okay? And I can't go in there because if I open the door and startle her, then I cause a seizure."
"It's just one tool in a toolbox for these parents to try and help manage this disability for this cute little 8-year-old girl," said Kelly Camm with 4 Paws for Ability.
"The dog would sleep in her room and be able to tell us when she is having a seizure and get us so we can comfort her," McLain said.
The waitlist is long, anywhere from two to two and a half years. The family needs to raise $17,000 not just to keep Adelaide safe, but also to provide her with independence and confidence.
"We would just like for anyone who can, to donate to help because this would definitely be life-changing for her and us," McLain said.
If you'd like to donate, you can click here.