GEORGETOWN, Ky. (LEX 18) — Stillmeadow Beef owners Amanda and Reid Hall sell 10-20 pound of meat on average weekly.
This week, they sold at least 500 pounds over the course of two days.
"It's been been pretty crazy few days," said Reid Hall.
The Halls raise cattle and grow crops on their farm in Scott County. They've been selling their products locally since 2017.
"Typically in the past, people haven't really sought the producer. They've just always gone to the grocery store," Amanda noted. "I think the past week people have really kind of freaked out a little bit when there's no meat on the shelves and they've sought different avenues."
The Halls said their most recent customers have been individuals buying in bulk for their families. On Tuesday, the couple sold out of ground beef. They still have meat left, but that stock is quickly being bought up.
"We keep enough to eat ourselves, and then we're out," Reid Hall said. "We didn't really anticipate this coming."
The influx in sales are welcome. However, the long-term repercussions of selling out are unclear for the Halls in the age of COVID-19. Reid Hall said they were preparing to send a couple of steers to the processing plant to replenish their supply. They were told that wasn't an option right now.
"The processor has cut processing for the time being, and so that will inevitably delay our processing. So we don't know how long but I guess we'll find out," Reid said.
Their current supply was meant to last them through the beginning of grilling season in May. Now they're unsure when the next batch of meat will fill their freezers.
"I guess the positive side is, at least during this time of craziness, we've been able to supply to people of Central Kentucky," said Amanda Hall.
Stillmeadow Beef still has meat in stock as of the publishing of this article. You can reach Stillmeadow Beef through their Facebook page.