LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Local churches are adapting their Sunday morning church during the coronavirus pandemic.
Amid recommendations by Governor Andy Beshear to cancel services, some opted to simply alter the medium through which they were conducted.
For example, David's Fork Baptist Church hosted a drive-in service.
"We want to still spread the word without spreading the virus," Pastor Mickey Hyder said.
Churchgoers pulled into the church lot, tuned their radios to 91.1 FM and Pastor Hyder's voice came through their speakers.
Hyder could be seen from the cars since he was preaching from the bed of a truck. Another church that conducted a unique service was Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington. They decided to stream theirs.
"Now we have the ability to leverage technology and actually connect with one another in our own homes," said Pastor Ray Green.
Immanuel Baptist Church organized an online streaming of the sermon Green would have given in person had the church doors stayed open. It also allowed the option to interact with community members and church leaders through a live chat during the service.
"While this building, while these seats may be empty, that doesn't mean that the church isn't very, very active," said Matt Anderkin, Immanuel Baptist Church Communications Director.
The church saw thousands join the stream throughout the morning services. They'll be hosting streaming similar services the remainder of the week. Those can be watched here.