CARLISLE, Ky. (LEX 18) — 24-year-old Cheyeene Clifford was in court for an arraignment facing charges including two counts of murder, driving under the influence, and other charges following a crash in which 20-year-old Gage Gaunce and 17-year-old Nathaniel Clay Welch died.

Reports say that the incident happened early Sunday morning just before 1:30 a.m. at Myers Road and KY-32 East. The family of 20-year-old Gage Gaunce is speaking about what he meant to them and to this community.
Gaunce’s mom, Lacy Pruitt, says, "He loved hanging out with his friends and fishing like he said, four-wheeling, anything outdoors, hunting... He loved to make people laugh."

Gaunce’s family and friends met here at Mathers-Gaunce Funeral Home in Carlisle. As they look back at photos of Gage over the years, they say he was an outgoing person who loved to have a good time.
His mom says, “I'm gonna miss his singing because it really wasn't singing it was more like, you know, ... He was singing the words, but he wasn't singing the words. He was mumbling more than anything, he was funny."

His friend and long-time fishing buddy, Christopher Goodwin, says the community hasn't been the same since Gage's death.
He shared, "It does have an impact on the town, I didn't know he knew so many people...I knew that it was gonna hurt people's definitely different. You feel it."

Pruitt says the support from the community has meant a lot to her family and Gage's friends.
She says, "It warms my heart that a lot of people you know cared about him and you know just loved him, he was loved by a lot."

This family says it’s been surprising and comforting to know just how many people Gaunce impacted.