

Murder victim's loved ones starting trust fund for children

LaPorsha Stringer
and last updated

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Friends and family of LaPorsha Stringer gathered this past weekend to celebrate her life. The Jessamine County mother was murdered in August in an act of gun violence at the Fayette Mall.

Stringer leaves behind three children. Her friends are trying to do their part in helping ease the financial burden that has now been put on her family by setting up a trust fund for her children.

"She definitely had an amazing personality. She was a person of her own, she stuck to who she was," said Missy Devasher, a friend of Stringer.

And it is as that strong, hardworking mother of three that Stringer's friends are choosing to remember her.

On Sunday, her loved ones put the tragedy behind them and decided to focus on the legacy she has left behind.

Stringer had just graduated from Barrett and Company's School of Cosmetology in Nicholasville and was eager to begin her career in the beauty industry.

"She was a great hairdresser, everybody always came in and had appointments with LaPorsha. She was good at what she done," said Amber Lane, another friend of Stringer.

While her fellow classmates and teachers are still mourning her loss, they can't help but think about her three young children, who will now be raised by their great grandmother.

A huge financial burden that they wanted to help ease by setting up a trust fund.

"I don't want her to worry you know, if we have anything to do with it, that we make sure and everybody makes sure they are taken care of, because they have an angel watching over them now," said Lane.

A fund has been set up by the beauty school for Stringer's children.

Stringer's family has requested all donations be made through PayPal, according to the Facebook post below.

No arrests have been made in her murder investigation as of Monday afternoon.