

White House abandoning possible nomination of Kentucky lawyer

Kentucky Governor Lawsuit
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WASHINGTON (LEX 18) — The White House is abandoning its plans to nominate a Kentucky lawyer to a federal court seat, according to the New York Times.

Lawyer Chad Meredith was the potential nominee from Kentucky. He was someone who successfully defended Kentucky's anti-abortion law as a lawyer for the state. President Biden's plans for the nomination were made public by the Louisville Courier-Journal right before the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Meredith had strong support for the position from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. However, McConnell faced opposition from fellow Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

According to the Times, Paul told the White House that he wouldn't return a "blue slip" approving Meredith's nomination.

“In considering potential district court nominees, the White House learned that Senator Rand Paul will not return a blue slip on Chad Meredith,” Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said Friday in a statement. “Therefore, the White House will not nominate Mr. Meredith.”

McConnell was upset with the outcome and pushback from Paul saying " has prevented me from getting my kind of judge out of a liberal Democratic President." McConnell is also quoted calling Paul's position on the nomination "just utterly pointless."

If nominated, Meredith would have replaced Judge Karen Caldwell, appointed in 2001, who announced she would be taking senior judicial status and leaving a vacancy.

Governor Andy Beshear had some strong words about the possible nomination. Back on June 30th at a press conference, Beshear questioned the idea. "I don't know how the President could say he is for public safety if he makes this nomination. I don't know how the current Attorney General says he's pro-law enforcement given that he hired this individual after the pardons. Including after all the information came out."