PARIS, Ky. (LEX 18) — The worker shortage in Kentucky has taken a toll on almost every business. It's driving up overhead costs and stretching budgets thin. It's even a big problem in education.
That's why the district raised starting pay by 25% to $25 an hour and even more depending on experience.
Finding enough school bus drivers to keep the school day moving smoothly has been a problem in most school districts for years now. And in Bourbon County, a big pay hike has created a big opportunity for people looking for work.

Superintendent of Paris Independent Schools, Stephen McCauley calls it a "severe inconvenience" that could get worse.
"We're having some double routes," he said. "We have to notify families in some instances that we are keeping kids after school for 30 minutes before a bus can come back around to get them."
McCauley says the pay has jumped from $13.25 just six years ago.
"It's just one of those inflationary things that impact our budgets and impacts our ability to attract and retain great people," he said.
McCauley says it's one of the first problems he has to address every morning and one that affects everything else about the school day.

"It takes a toll on everyone," said McCauley. "The transportation team is a vital part, just like food service and teachers, so when one is impacted, it impacts the rest of the team."
McCauley believes Paris probably offers the highest pay in the area for bus drivers. He says the money and flexible hours should be appealing. Plus, each bus has a monitor on board as support.
"So that's a misconception that a lot of people have," he said. "They say, 'well how am I gonna drive a bus with 40 kids behind me yelling and screaming.' That's not the case."
Along with a flexible schedule, McCauley noted that drivers can get plenty of hours, including driving for field trips, ball games, pre-K routes, and vocational school routes.
Call Transportation Director Tabitha Pelfrey at 859-987-2160 for more information on how to apply.