

R. J. Corman will host 2022 Fourth of July fireworks show in Nicholasville


NICHOLASVILLE, Ky. (LEX18) — R. J. Corman Railroad Group announced Tuesday that it will host Nicholasville’s annual Fourth of July Fireworks Show.

The fireworks will launch from US-27, overlooking the group's display trains as it has for the past two years. Visitors can watch the event on the property near the launch site at the intersection of Wilmore Road (KY-29) and April Highway across the road from the Lone Oak subdivision entrance.

The gate will be open from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (or until capacity is reached). No tickets are required and parking is free but limited.

R.J. Corman Railroad Group also stated the fireworks will be launched regardless of rain. In the case of severe weather, a cancellation announcement will be posted on the official R.J. Corman Facebook page.