

Commerce Lexington develops reopening guide for businesses

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — While the world has been shut down and the doors of businesses closed, the team at Commerce Lexington has been busier than maybe ever before.

"It's just been an all encompassing change in what we do," said Commerce Lexington President and CEO, Bob Quick.

Bob Quick said it has been emotional watching businesses in Lexington close their doors not knowing what the future holds, which is why they are taking the responsibility of helping these businesses develop reopening plans so personally and seriously.

Quick said, "This is when you really get to learn about the soul of the community, and there are no blueprints for this. We are creating our blueprint as we go forward."

After tireless work, Chief Communications Officer Mark Turner has developed a reopening guide. A step-by-step document to help businesses find all the information they need, right in one place.

Turner explained, "Here's what you need to do, here's what you need to be concerned about before you open your business, and that's where this reopening guide, the idea for that came from."

The guide is free and available to anyone on their website. Included in the guide are the minimum reopening guidelines, new policies and practices to consider, and information on how to protect employees and the public. All of the information has been culled from places like the CDC, the governor's office and from the concerns of community businesses.

"We went through all of that information and just got it down to a more condensed version so that business owners can better understand what it is they need to be thinking about," Turner said.

As the community enters this most crucial phase, Commerce Lexington is preparing for the future as well. They are making plans and learning from this trying time to make sure Lexington is ready should something like this happen again.

Quick said, "We've got to do those simple, easy things because they can make a difference."

You can find the reopening guide, help on applying for assistance, finding PPE and many other resources to help your business rebound from the coronavirus here.