

What is "The Rebound Kentucky?"

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — As we continue to navigate our way through the COVID-19 crisis and eventually out of it, LEX 18 has launched something new with other Scripps news stations across the country. It's called "The Rebound."

Every day, LEX 18 will be telling stories, highlighting resources and helping you, our neighbors, get through the financial impact of the coronavirus.

We'll be telling stories of frustration, and helplessness and pointing to sources of hope and helpful solutions.

The virus has left us wondering: When will businesses reopen? How will we go back to work? Do we even want to go back to the way things were?

It's an uncertain time as we still don't have concrete answers as to when or if things will return to how they were before this began. LEX 18 strives to be a helpful, guiding hand through this uncertain time.

Emerging from this epidemic will take time, hope and understanding.

In the coming weeks and months, LEX 18 will be focusing on "The Rebound." We commit to telling stories that will help you navigate these uncertain times.

Learn More: Rebound Kentucky