WINCHESTER, Ky. (LEX 18) — As small businesses continue to face financial challenges due to the pandemic, the city of Winchester is helping its community by creating a COVID-19 Small Business Relief Program.
"Any of the Governor's orders that were handed down from Frankfort, if they impacted that business and caused them financial hardships. They had to close. They had to restrict or curb their services due to that, then they are eligible," said City Manager Michael Flynn.
The city budgeted $50,000 for the program. Full-time businesses within city limits can apply to receive up to $1,000. Part-time businesses could get up to $400.

Flynn says small businesses are vital to the community, and he doesn't want to lose them.
"It's a benefit to not only us as a city government organization, it's a benefit to our community," he said. "When there is somewhere to go, and there is somewhere to shop. When there's somewhere to eat, when there's something to do in your downtown, it helps everything. It brings others. It encourages tourism."
Applications are on the city's website. They are due by 4:00 p.m. Friday, February 5th.