WeatherStorm Tracker Blog


The 90° Day of 2019


We did! Lexington hit 90° for the first time in 2019 today. The last time the high was at 90 degrees or warmer was September 20th of last year. This is also the warmest day of the year so far. London tied the record high for day and Jackson beat the previous record by a degree this afternoon.

Lexington typically doesn’t record the first 90° of the year until mid-June. Last year’s first 90°+ also came ahead of schedule. It was one of the earliest first 90° days in Lexington weather history. (The earliest occurred on April 24, 1925.)

Since 1873 there have now been 85 total May days with highs of 90° or warmer. The most occurred in 1944 when there were ten days. This kind of heat, this early, doesn’t come around that often.

We will go for back-to-back 90-degree days tomorrow. A few more spots are expected to reach the threshold. Temperatures will continue to sizzle through early next week as the big “heat ridge” stands firm across the Southeast.