We’ve been spoiled this weekend with sunshine, heat, and a lack of humidity. This weekend brought outdoor weather to the entire state. The calm pattern is the result of high pressure in place keeping storms away. This calm pattern is how we begin the work week. Temperatures today are pushing 90 degrees, and we continue to warm, slowly, for a couple of days.
Mostly sunny, warm, and slightly humid is a good way to go through the summer. Unfortunately, we don’t get air masses like this often, so we have to take advantage of it while we can. As we begin the work week, the calm pattern continues with high pressure to our north. Low pressure over the Arklamiss will keep a sliver of a chance for showers/storms in our western counties. It’s possible a few of these pop-ups form in our forecast area tomorrow or Tuesday, but don’t expect much. Wednesday brings another cold front that will change the forecast again. This one isn’t quite packing the dry air like it’s predecessor, but a slightly more comfortable feeling will be the case for the end of the upcoming work week.