

It Won’t Be Long Now


10 PM Update: Temperatures are steadily dropping. It’s below-freezing in Louisville, and temperatures are heading in that direction across central Kentucky. Meanwhile, eastern counties are still in the 50s(!). The rain/snow line is pushing past I-65. It won’t be long for rain changes to snow in the Bluegrass. A brief period of sleet, a light icing is possible during the transition.

Once the change over to snow occur conditions will deteriorate quickly. Big, fat flakes will quickly accumulate. The freezing of wet surfaces will create a nice surface for the snow to start sticking. A strong northwest wind will also reduce visibility even more. Blowing and drifting snow will be possible with up to 40 mph gusts.

It’s best just to stay off the roads until later tomorrow morning. Let the road crews do their job. The rain earlier today didn’t allow for any pre-treating. Crews will be battling a lot tonight. Stay home, it will help everyone out. If you must venture out, be smart. Slow down, follow at a greater distance, and break sooner.