

Chance to see flurries Wednesday morning

Minor if any accumulations
and last updated

Skies were mostly clear overnight allowing temperatures to fall rapidly. This put morning lows in the low to middle 20s for most around the forecast area. A cloud deck overhead helped a little, but we still started on the bitter end for the day.

The MaxTrack hasn’t showed much for us, but on the other side of the Ohio, a wave is showing reflectivity of snow falling but not reaching the ground for Indiana and portions of Ohio. This band of falling snow will slide east this evening and some of the snow may have a chance to make it down to ground level. The best chance for any snow action would be overnight and tomorrow morning. It’ll be hard to get more than flurries or light snow out of the deal. Accumulation is expected to remain minor if anything and only on cold surfaces. Still, some slick spots could form on cold road surfaces as the snow melts and freezes. Use caution on roads if you see any snow falling. Accumulations are more likely across far northern Kentucky counties and some high terrain spots in the southeast.

Most of our forecast area will wake up with nothing tomorrow, so it’s best not to get your hopes up. Whatever does fall and stick will not last long anyway as we warm into the low 40s under sunshine in the afternoon. The warming trend continues into the 60s by late week with rain and storm activity returning over the weekend.