WeatherDaily Forecast


Strong Storms Possible This Evening

More Downpours Plus Wind
and last updated

The same low pressure that has kept us very wet so far this weekend will also produce a couple of stronger to severe storms late this afternoon and this evening. A cold front will be rolling through soon, but before it does, the sun is shining which is causing more heat and energy in the atmosphere. Because of this energy storms will be fueled which may cause them to become severe as they push through central and eastern KY.

Along with more heavy rain, other threats include damaging wind gusts, and plenty of lightning. Though tornadoes are unlikely, the small chance (2%) is present especially in northeast KY. Be on guard for the rest of the day for these strong thunderstorms. The worst of the flash flood threat has passed now, but storms will still hold very heavy rain which could lead to more isolated spots of flash flooding again. The weather will calm down overnight and for the remainder of the weekend.