

Hurricane season is not finished

TS "Sebastien" forms in the Western Atlantic
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It’s hard to be “checked in” with the tropics this late in the season, especially with how quiet they’ve been recently. Still, hurricane season is still alive and well for another week and a half.

Our newest tropical system formed today and takes on the name “Sebastien.” Sebastien is a rather weak tropical storm located northeast of the Leeward Islands. Sustained winds with the storm are maxed out around 45 mph and the storm movement is 8 mph towards the north-northwest. Sebastien will take a northerly turn tomorrow and eventually to the northeast to head back out into the middle Atlantic. No land hazards are currently present or expected at this time.

Typically, this late in the season, steering winds for the tropics have storms forming around the western Atlantic and turning back out to sea. Although there have been late-season storms to affect land (including the United States), most storms that form this late are considered “fish” storms that only churn in open water.