

No break from the heat

Hot and humid all week
and last updated

It’s another mostly quiet morning with one small and very weak showers hanging out with us. Clouds are non-existent for the Bluegrass and I-64 corridor, minus the river valleys. Due to lower pressure in the southeast U.S. our southern counties may be dealing with a mix of sun and clouds this morning. After all, that shower had to fall from something. Temperatures are starting warm with muggy conditions.

This week will be a hot one. There’s really no other way to put it. Summer decided to flex this week, so we’ll be dealing with above average warmth, humidity, and the occasional pop-up thundershower. For the rest of the weekend, don’t expect much for activity. The low pressure to the south is due to a stalled front which will keep most showers and storms down in that direction. A few may bleed over the Tennessee state line and bring a few cooling showers/storms to the southern counties this afternoon. Otherwise, you’re stuck with hot & humid with the only relief being in the shade (or indoors). Each day moving forward will have very small chances for rain or thundershowers. This is due to the intense high-pressure keeping storm systems away from the region. So, you can expect very little change day-to-day. You may have a shower one day, and nothing the next. You may go the whole week without a drop. It all depends on where the activity lines up for the day. Heat safety will be very important this week. Stay hydrated and take frequent breaks from the sun. A better chance of rain looks to arrive over the following weekend as a cold front finally slides through. This should knock the humidity levels down, et least briefly for the end of the weekend.