

Changes Begin


Hard to believe that we are going to enter another wet and cold weather pattern with the conditions outside today. Sunshine and warmth has made today great for those needed some outdoor time. Things will change as we move through the evening with increasing clouds and eventual rain showers. Temperatures made the 60s today, as expected. Temperatures and precipitation chances will be going up and down through the next several days.

Sunshine and warmth continues through most of the afternoon today before the “cosmetic” changes begin. Clouds will increase quickly and an incoming cold front will bring our first chance for rain since the weekend. Showers over the next few days will be light and scattered. Still, expect showers to make things slippery and ad more water to our already saturated soil. The rest of the week will see temperatures go down after the cold front tonight and then back up with a late week warm front. The weekend will change things again. Rain chances go up ahead of a cold front slated for Saturday. This front will be stronger and will bring in a deep, cold air mass for Sunday. Rain looks to changeover to snow Sunday through the day, and a few snow showers could continue to fall early next week. Then, we sit in a late-winter cold pattern through at least the middle of the upcoming week.