

Rain returns

Showers enter the forecast with eventual cooling
and last updated

Yesterday was a good opportunity to bask in the sunshine with temperatures reaching the 60-degree mark. Despite the extensive cloud coverage, we’ve done it again today. Monday started with sunshine and a chilly morning, but the clouds have moved in ahead of the next low and things will get active again.

Temperatures have been running well above average this afternoon as we’ve touched the 60s for most locations and have even reached into the low 70s for a select few. The reason behind this is the morning sunshine and a few breaks in the cloud deck that has moved in since. You can also add the strong southwesterly wind in the mix as a reason for the spring-like warmth. The clouds are a precursor to the rain that’s about to move back in. Hard to tell from the national MaxTrack, but by this evening, a few showers will already begin to work in. Rain will really get going tomorrow in a widespread fashion thanks to a couple of lows connected by a cold front. We will sit on the warm side of this storm until late week, meaning we get several rounds of rain over a few days. Early estimates to rain totals show a swath through our forecast area of generally 1” to 4.” Southern counties have the best chance for the 2” to 4” range. Prepare for a wet middle of the week and a cold spell to wrap it up.