

Sunny today; showers tomorrow

Rain returns with cooler air
and last updated

It’s been another beautiful day with plenty of sunshine and warming temperatures. We started in the low 30s or upper 20s for mornings lows, thanks to the clear skies and light wind. Temperatures will warm into the 50s before the sun starts to set. Still no precipitation to speak of, but it’s not too far off.

The rest of tonight remains quiet on the MaxTrack, despite the next rain-maker getting close. Clouds increase from the southwest as eventually a few scattered rain showers will work in. Showers continue through most of the morning for the central and eastern counties, with heavier amounts along I-64. Rainfall this go-around will not amount to much. You can expect anywhere from a trace amount to a couple tenths of an inch at best. Rain wraps up through the afternoon Friday and there may be a little sunshine available to northern counties before it sets. The added moisture will aid in fog production Saturday morning keeping most of the southeastern river valleys socked in until the afternoon. The sun will be shining through the day for most locations Saturday as high-pressure slides in again behind the front. Temperatures cool slightly into the upper 40s for afternoon highs which will feel pretty good, all things considered. Sunday will be one of the best days to spend outside as a southerly wind warms us to the upper 50s as clouds increase ahead of the next storm system.