LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — What do you get for the person who has everything this Valentine’s Day?
What about a CuddleGram, courtesy of the Lexington Humane Society? The special deliveries are back this year, and the humane society says they’re the purr-fect present for your loved one.

For $100, an LHS volunteer will bring your choice of a puppy, kitten, or dog to your Valentine's business, and they can spend 30 minutes together.
But employees say a CuddleGram is actually priceless because it involves hanging out with precious pets.

"They love this," said Meghan Hawkins, the humane society’s director of community engagement. "They think it's their job. They get dressed up and wear bow ties, and they just love going out and loving on people."
All CuddleGram requests must be received by this Wednesday, February 9th. You can sign up here.
If your relationship status is single, you might consider putting your ex’s name on a litter box. That costs $10. Hawkins says around 75 people have signed up so far. You can participate here.