LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — When Jeremy Kisling came to work at the Lexington Children's Theatre Tuesday morning, he found four bullet holes in the front wall of the building.
Later that night, he discovered a fifth bullet hole a little further down the street.
Kisling said Lexington Police told him they were not the target. Rather, the building was hit by stray bullets.

"I was just really happy that no one was in the building, that it was late at night, that no one was there," LCT parent Christa Richardson said.

Richardson said LCT has done a great job keeping parents up to date on what they're doing, which includes working with police to make sure they're taking the necessary steps to keep kids safe.
"I don't feel threatened at all that my children are in harm's way," Richardson said.
Kisling said he hopes all parents and kids feel that way.
"My first emotion is sadness because I don't want anyone to feel unsafe." Kisling, LCT's producing artistic director, said. "I don't want our young people or anyone in our community to feel like Lexington is not a safe place."
At the same time, he believes we all need to recognize there is violence in the city and we all need to do our part to curb it. He said he intends to engage more in the conversation about how to do that.
"I think we as a community need to understand that violence is here and that we have to come together," he said. "Come together to take care of each other and take care of our fellow man."
Until then, he said fear cannot rule. They are continuing rehearsals for their next show, Shrek because the show must go on.