BEREA, Ky. (LEX 18) — It’s not a vaccine administration day inside the Berea Drug pharmacy in Madison County, so store owner and pharmacist Robert Little had a few minutes to spare. But just a few.
“I’m going to be honest; the phone won’t stop ringing,” he joked.
Many of the people on the other end of the phone are his customers seeking a spot in line for the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I could give out 1,000 week if the could send them to me. Supply is limited, so that’s the limiting factor,” Dr. Little said.
Little said right now he’s receiving about 100 doses weekly from the state, which is getting its supply from the federal government. It’s a number that pales in comparison to the amount of people who’d like to get their arm into this thing. So many of Little’s customers in group 1-B haven’t been able to access the vaccine in any other way thus far.
“We haven’t even turned on our scheduling option on the website,” Little explained.
That’s because he knows many of his customers don’t have the technology, or the tech savvy to handle an online option, so he’s taking appointment requests over the phone. Little and his staff members are also willing to meet customers in the parking lot if they have issues getting into his store.
“We’re happy to do that. The most at-risk people are the ones we want to get,” he said.
Now those who are less-at-risk are about to jump into the fray, as group 1-C will become eligible for the vaccine on Monday. Little will take just as many people as his supply will allow.
“The reward of the job. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to us,” Little said with nod to how difficult the last 12 months have been.
“I just can’t tell you how glad we are to be a part of it,” he said, as yet another phone was ringing.