LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Fifteen Fayette County bus routes are canceled Tuesday morning.
The district posted the following morning routes, affected by the cancellations, on their website Tuesday:
AM Bus 314 Douglass/CGW MLK
AM Bus 974 Garrett Morgan Douglass/CGW Bryan Station Middle
AM Bus 874 Deep Springs Bryan Station High Bryan Statoin Middle
AM Bus 117 Yates Bryan Station High Winburn
AM Bus 871 Garrett Morgan Douglass/CGW
AM Bus 225 Maxwell SCAPA MLK
AM Bus 15 Dunbar Morton
AM Bus 115 Glendover Tates Creek High Tates Creek Middle
AM Bus 220 Breckinridge Douglass/CGW Edythe J Hayes
AM Bus 2118 RISE
AM Bus 1819 Bryan Station High Winburn
AM Bus 765 Yates Preschool, Yates Elementary
AM Bus 16 Russell Cave Northern Bryan Station Middle
AM Bus 108 Russell Cave Mary Todd MLK
AM Bus 877 Veterans Park Tates Creek High Tates Creek Middle
AM Bus 22 Booker T Washington Byran Station High Crawford
Monday night, the Fayette County Public School Board approved a motion to raise the pay for substitute bus drivers amid a district-wide shortage. You can read more about that decision by clicking here.