LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — This is the season for earwigs, and the problem, according to a Lexington Pest Control Company, is worse this year as opposed to last, for some homeowners in the area.
The number of people reaching out is more than double what is normally the case. Matt Schaffer is describing what to look for if you think you may have an earwig inside or outside of your home.
"They have these really unique, some people call them pinchers, but they have forceps that come out off the abdomen of the structure, so they're noticeable," Schaffer said.

As the owner of IPM Pest and Termite, Schaffer is stressing that weather conditions play a big role.
"The fact that we've had the rain at strategic times has caused them to basically flush into the homes. We've received a whole lot of calls," Schaffer added.
That environment is good for earwigs to grow and populate.
"With their being a lot of rain, they've been kind of flooded into those areas. People are seeing a lot more of them in the house than they do. We usually find them around structures," Schaffer said.

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It may beg the question, what kind of danger will earwigs present?
"They're typically not looking to pinch humans, but they're concerning enough that people don't want them in the house when they see them," Schaffer noted.
The earwig season is expected to last another month, and Schaffer adds that it typically starts in late spring and ends in early July.