LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Christine Sprague and her friend Madison Garrett went to a party on University Avenue near the University of Kentucky campus on September 7. They, along with ten other UK students, left that party on a gurney. And life probably won’t ever be the same for any of them.
“It was very scary. I was more in shock than anything. Didn’t understand what happened for a few days,” Garrett said.
While enjoying themselves at this party, police say Jason Almanza-Arroyo fired a gun into the crowd. On Tuesday, he and his alleged accomplice, Juan Guerrero-Zendejas appeared in Fayette County District Court for a preliminary hearing, which resulted in both suspects being waived to a grand jury. Zendejas is accused of taking the weapon from Arroyo at the scene and bringing it home.
“I think it’s been hard to go in situations with bigger crowds. I think it makes you scared to be around a lot of people and settings that we weren’t scared of before,” said Garrett.
Garrett is recovering after taking bullet shrapnel to her right leg.
“It didn’t hit any bone, so I’m able to walk now, but they did say they can’t remove it. More dangerous to remove it than to keep it in there,” Garrett explained.
Sprague hasn’t healed as quickly and might not ever be 100% again.

“I still have a ton of bullet pieces in my shin. There’s nothing they can do about it,” she said.
Sprague is studying to become a nurse but is worried that her difficulty maneuvering around campus has, and will continue to impact her school work.
“Very painful. I still can’t put any weight on the ball of my foot, so obviously, that’s very hard getting around campus,” she said while fighting back tears.
Sprague did credit the university and her professors for working with her during this difficult time.
“Being very lenient on attendance as some days are harder, especially with smaller classes with only one door to go in and out. They’ve been very accepting of that and working with me on that,” she said.
Police say Arroyo was identified by witnesses who attended the party and that he was not an invited guest. They also believe bullet casings recovered from the scene match the weapon located at Zendejas’s home. Gunpowder residue was removed from Arroyo’s hands and sent to the state lab for analysis. Those results haven’t yet been returned.
Bond for both was unamended, and the grand jury could meet to review the evidence and testimony before the end of this month.
“I just hope he knows the impact this has had on all of us,” Sprague said of the alleged shooter.