JACKSON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Breathitt County Judge-Executive Jeff Noble is running out of office space.
“We’re giving heaters out, doing everything we can,” he said while discussing plans to keep his residents warm after many lost everything during historic summer flooding.
Mr. Noble has been receiving donated space heaters and is giving them to residents in need.
“Even if they are back in their homes, their heat pumps were destroyed, or flooded,” he said.
The county and city of Jackson will be opening a few warming shelters, including inside the Jackson Fire Station. That’ll be open from 7 p.m. Wednesday until 7 a.m. Thursday.

Overnight lows could dip to record levels as we’re expected to drop into the mid-20s. That’s why Cassie Fouch came downtown to pick up one of those heaters in Judge Noble’s office.
“We have one electric heater. It’s been doing a little bit of the work, but it’s still chilly. So that extra heater will give a little oomph to it,” she said.
Cassie and her family lost their home in the flood, but the trailer they own was salvageable. It’s where they’re living for now. They won’t get any assistance from FEMA, because they couldn’t acquire flood insurance after accepting federal assistance to repair the damage to their home sustained during the March 2021 storm.
Noble said it’s been rough around here and the money to assist just isn’t there. The donations of space heaters and space for people to gather to stay warm and safe are appreciated more than he can say.
“I’ve never been more proud to be a Breathitt Countian than now, to see how the outpouring of love and support has been,” he said.
Mrs. Fouch was feeling the same way after putting that heater in her car’s trunk.
“Very blessed that Jeff Noble has done this. Very blessed. It’s very heart-warming,” she added.
It’s the kind of generosity and support (and warmth) that’ll be needed across the region tonight, and all winter long.