LEXINGTON, Ky (LEX 18) — Petey is home! The rare and expensive Skink stolen from a Lexington pet store over the weekend was found Tuesday in Georgetown.
Surveillance footage shows a woman dropping off a tank at the front door of the Scott County Animal Shelter. Officer Devin Hammond with Animal Care & Control says Petey was found inside along with a note: "Please return to pet store in Lexington Beaumont Shopping Center."

Most Valuable Pets, which is the only pet store in the Beaumont shopping center, had a rare lizard stolen right from its cage Friday.
"As time went by you don't know if they're going to try to sell him on their own and he's going to go to an even worse home, you just don't know so just a lot of anxiety there," said store manager Hannah Huffman.
But he wasn't gone for too long. Petey was returned to the store Tuesday and placed in a new tank with plenty of new plants and a big "welcome home" salad waiting.
"He's nice and fat and doesn't seem to have any signs that he was abused in any way so that's always good because you never know," Huffman said about Petey. "You just really never know with people."
In the future, anyone who wants Petey can take him home! You'll just have to pay $800.