LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — From pursuing higher education to paying the bills to parenting, the path to pomp and circumstance hasn’t been an easy one for Felicia Villareal.
“I was like, ‘There's no way I can afford my rent and to be able to go to school on top of that,'” said Villareal.
Living in Owensboro and hoping to pursue an associate's degree, Villareal was introduced to a program called One Parent Scholar House, a Hope Center agency.
Headquartered in Lexington with locations throughout Kentucky, the program offers qualifying single parents affordable housing, childcare and on-site counseling.

A participant of the program in both Owensboro and Lexington once she began attending UK, Villareal says it changed the course of her life.
“If I didn't have this program, I know I'd be suffering,” said Villareal.
Along with the programming and support, Villareal highlighted the community. Currently, 70 families with 100 kids are going through Scholar House. While each family has a different story, they all share some commonality.
“You feel like you're not alone, you feel like you have so many people looking out for you, kind of like a neighborhood watch.”

The first person in her family to go to college, Villareal recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in clinical leadership and management.
“I'm hoping I can progress or help fix overworking, burnout of healthcare workers who are hands-on with patients,” explained Villareal.
According to Destiny Oakley, assistant director of development, Villareal isn’t the only first-generation student, and she won’t be the last.
“We have those coming out of cycles of poverty or abuse, we have a lot of different stories. They’re breaking those generational cycles and empowering themselves and their kids through education,” said Oakley.

It’s an accomplishment Villareal’s daughter sees every day.
“I feel proud of her,” said Skylar Villareal. “For doing all the things for me and working hard, she shows that every single day.”
As for what’s next, the Villareals say the sky’s the limit.
“These steps are just the beginning,” said Villareal.