WINCHESTER, Ky. (LEX 18) — The streets of Winchester appear to be fine on the surface, but beneath those downtown roads is a much different story. Multiple pipes have burst in recent days as our big chill turned into a big thaw.
“They said we would close for lunch (on Tuesday) and hope to be open for the dinner rush, but we had trouble finding the parts to fit the pipes because Lowe’s apparently sold out,” said Tiffany Strange, the manager of The Engine House Pizza Pub.

Lowe’s sold out, she said, because so many people across the Commonwealth have been dealing with the same issue. The Hall Coffee & Social Club here on Main Street took a hit too over the weekend.
“They checked the water meter and it cracked. It froze and cracked,” said Jessie Hall while taking a break from brewing coffee.
The Hall had to close up for a few hours on Saturday morning as workers had to shut off the water in order to replace that cracked meter.

“Saturday mornings tend to be a bit busier for us, so we lost quite a bit of business,” Hall said.
The Engine House lost an entire day of receipts on Tuesday. They’ll try to make it up this weekend, with a much nicer forecast being predicted.
“We’ve got some New Year’s Eve plans, and karaoke on Friday, so we’ll make it up,” Strange said.
In addition to the issues inside those establishments, a pipe under Main Street supplying water to a fire sprinkler system ruptured as well. That has been replaced and workers were laying the asphalt on Wednesday morning.