It's going to be another night to Stay Weather Aware. Rain and thunderstorms will be moving through the area tonight. This will be ahead of a weak cool front, but it will be working with some potent storm food from the heat and humidity we've felt today. The most likely severe weather parameter will be damaging wind gusts, defined as 57 mph or greater. Hail is a potential from a few of these storms and there is enough shear and energy available that a brief spin up tornado can't be ruled out. The storm threat will be around until well after midnight.

Heavy rain and lightning will also be of great concern. They do make storms strong and dangerous but don't come under the 'severe' definition. Locally heavy rain is again likely for many places. A Flash Flood Watch will remain in effect until Tuesday morning. With many locations in southeastern Kentucky over 10" of rain this week, it won't take as much rain as it normally would to cause problems. Keep aware of your local situation and as always, never drive on flooded roads.

Severe thunderstorm watches and perhaps warnings will be around tonight. Stay Weather Aware and be prepared to take action if necessary.