If you're someone who doesn't like the bitter cold of winter, be happy this pattern is happening now and not in January. The Arctic air mass that is coming down will be taking our temperatures about 20 degrees below normal. In general, out atmosphere doesn't like to have something that extreme, so this is a pretty big deal. Our normal high is still in the mid 50s, but with the 20 below normal air coming in, it'll be cold, but for most still at least tolerable.

If we were to do this same set up in January, when our normal highs are in the mid 30s, well the same 20 below normal air mass would be sending our highs all the way to the teens, which is just nasty cold.
We'll be in this November version of the Arctic air through the weekend, so highs in the 30s will be common, getting back to about 40 again by Sunday. There is good news though as we head toward Thanksgiving, we'll be getting back to normal, and maybe even slightly above by the holiday.