WeatherDaily Forecast


Strong Storms Possible Tonight

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It got warm today with highs in the 60s as the winds picked up. A strong cold front will plow through tonight, and we'll be on the edge of severe weather outbreak to our south.


For us, we'll see occasional showers off and on through the evening as it stays windy and the storms will become more numerous late this evening and in the hours after midnight. As the cold front gets closer, a squall line will form and race eastward. With that line, a damaging wind gust will be a possibility along with a few isolated downpours. We'll be tracking these developments and you'll need to Stay Weather Aware.


In addition to the damaging wind gust threat, other severe weather modes are on the table, but all of them are highly unlikely.

The front that is responsible for these storms showed up vividly during the latter part of the afternoon with a 30 to 40 degree swing either side of the front. For us in the colder air tomorrow, we'll be 20 to 25 degrees colder than today, and it will stay windy too.
