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What is the Repack/Rescan?

FAQ - How to Repack/Rescan Your TV
and last updated


What is the “repack/rescan”?
The government is condensing television channels in order to free up frequencies for cell phones and mobile devices. Because of this WLEX will have to move channels.

Wait, does this mean you will not be on channel 18?
Actually, we haven’t been broadcasting on channel 18 since around 2008.

But my TV says I’m watching channel 18.
Part of the broadcast is extra data that TVs know how to read and displays us as Channel 18.

So what channel are you?
We have been broadcasting on channel 39 since 2004. After we complete our portion of the repack, we will be on channel 28. But your TV will still identify us as Channel 18.

Why are you telling me this?
Once we shut off our current transmitter and turn on the new transmitter, you will need to rescan your television to pick us up.

How do I do that?
Unfortunately, each TV manufacturer has their own menu structure, so we can’t tell you exactly. But if you open your TVs menu and look for “Setup”, “Channel”, “Broadcast”, or something similar, you should be able to find the setting that will allow you to “scan” (or “autoscan”) for channels.

When should I do this?
After 2pm on Friday, October 18.

Wait, it’s before that time and I can no longer receive your signal. What can I do?
Starting on Friday morning October 4, we will be operating at reduced power as we continue installing equipment. This should only affect a small number of viewers. If you happen to be one of those affected, we suggest trying to “peak” (adjust for the best possible signal) your antenna. This might also require moving your antenna to a new position. You should also take this time to make sure the cable going from your antenna to your TV is in good shape (no corrosion on the connectors, tears on the out jacket, etc).

I still have questions. Who can I talk to?
You can send an email to 18engineering@wlex.tv, or call our engineering staff at 859-259-1818 or 800-255-4566 x100 during normal business hours (8:30A – 5:30P M-F) and we will do our best to assist you.